it all started with a valentine's card . . .
over 15 years ago, i was looking for an outlet to my creativity. valentine's day is my favorite holiday — the joy in this day; the expression of love; the pretty and fun color palette; happiness in the middle of winter; expressing gratitude — in my book, 'ole valentine's day is pretty great. so! in the honor of showing love and gratitude to our family and friends and my love of sending mail, i decided to create our first valentine's day card. my first card consisted of a simple stamp, that of a cute bear holding a heart and then me adding some doodles around the edge. nothing too fancy, but i was excited to have made a card and to be sending a little bit of joy through the mail! each year, my cards have become more elaborate with the latest card being a hand painted canvas mailed in a clear envelope for everyone to see on its journey through the mail. with that first card, a little light started to shine inside me. i had a bit of an awakening that this love light shone its brightest when i was creating. i thought, wouldn't it be great if i could make things for other people? i had no idea about selling my work or how i would create things for other people, but i created my logo anyway, had some metal tags made with my logo. i slowly started to explore different things to create and i added these cute metal tags to each thing that i created. little did i know that what i was doing was creating not only artwork, but my own brand. this brand would represent my creative journey and honor the awakening of my love shining bright during the creative process. my creative process is ever evolving. it seems that the constants of this journey are color, the want to bring positivity to light, and self expression. i love COLOR SO MUCH! i wear color not only in my clothing, but in my makeup; i surround myself with color; i see things in color and the brighter the color, the better! color is such an inspiration for me. i also love PATTERNS and TEXTURES and SPARKLE. i love to combine all of these things together! it may be too much for some people, but it feels just right for me. i am drawn and inspired by the many artists who also express themselves using color, positivity and sparkle. loveshines creates has now morphed into selling the things that not only i create by letting my love shine but also that of the artists who create to let their love shine too. or selling the things that make my world more joyful — from makeup to personal care to paints to crystals to . . . it is every evolving! it is my hope that you feel inspired and happy when you visit my website. i hope the love shining in me will bring a sparkle to you and that the love shining in you, will bring a sparkle to those around you. let your love shine babies!